Alessandra Lynch
Two Voices: [Why aren’t you speaking to me?]
Why aren’t you speaking to me?
-- the eldercat
caught a young rabbit…
-- last night inside the electric light
of the sturgeon moon -- full and veiny blue but distant.
Are you afraid of Memory -- ?
-- how so?
How it sinks, anchoring nothingness, every pore widemouthed before it
-- does it want to undo us?
It wants to reveal us
-- harm harm harm harm ALARM
We can walk gently there
-- only if there’s a forest
A forest and a darkling stream, yes!
-- why are tears straggling down your face?
Do I want to be the darkling stream?
-- no
All the stones their little faces downward turned
-- you’re speaking in morse
I’m speaking remorsefully
-- you’re human after all…
Nothing is sacred about us -- only what is between us
-- And what we convey. How we link air-to-air
With the finest of ease -- how we fly, linking wings with the wet hills of sea
--now I am speaking to you
Every voice a bee
--starved for a throat-scorching sweetness --
And now I can hear your velvet burr
A. C. Grayling
Ferris Jabr