Amy Gerstler
Night Guidance
Some say humans become disoriented
if we go too long without seeing the light in the heavens
(light urban development sometimes drowns out…)
animals who navigate by the stars
are among the ones we once gave ourselves to
or became in ancient days, but we don’t do that anymore
as we are struggling just to domesticate ourselves
seals complete long swims across featureless seas
guided by a constellation which describes the outline
of a giant woman, not ragingly beautiful or super sexy
but a great athlete, which angered the gods:
they’re always irate about something,
if a human shows admirable talent, for example,
as if deities know terror is all they are good for
that cluster of stars over by the elm
is supposed to be an archer
imprisoned in his constellation
or some other lovesick fool
this time of year, in this hemisphere
you can clearly see Gemini:
is there hanky panky going on
between those twins? they seem closer
than one would suppose is wholesome
when he first wakes up in the morning
his hair looks like a planetarium on fire
and that constellation yonder represents a loyal dog
delicately biting a white hibiscus,
and that one’s a sunken ship
which injured its hull by hitting a whale, sadly,
not by blindsiding an iceberg,
and that one’s a recently defrosted mummy
streams of cosmic debris can interfere
with viewing Porcus Major, a famous constellation
representing a poorly taxidermied boar’s head
a boar who is the lord of do-overs
he can grant you the ability to go back and unmake
mistakes you imagine you made
on nights when sleep was something
you could not locate
because there were no clear landmarks
David Toomey