3 Doodles, Annie Sophia Fisher
Sixteen lay writers, each asked to choose as many as three contemporary poets who satisfied Dickinson’s requirements, named 42. A writer could name a fourth poet when selecting a poem: Zaffar Kunial (Edward Simon), Martin Espada (Matt Hanson), Arun Kolatkar (Abhrajyoti Chakraborty) and Adedayo Agarau (Adachioma Ezeano) were cited in that way. We’ve found links to bios or personal sites for all the poets and writers listed below.
Kaveh Akbar, Mary Szybist and Terrance Hayes — Edward Simon
O-Jeremiah Agbaakin, Nome Patrick Emeka and Pamilerin Jacob — Adachioma Ezeano
Hua Xi, Claudia Rankine and Allison Joseph — Christopher Schaberg
Jason Heroux, Rita Dove and Lashawn and Playmakers Laboratory — Noah Berlatsky
John Ash, Charles Simic and Mark Doty — Chris Ewers
Michael Longley, Fiona Benson and Alice Oswald — Colin Burrow
Marianne Boruch, Michael Bazzett and Mehrnoosh Torbatnejad — Steven Stoll
Gillian Allnutt — Victoria Moul
Joshua Bennett, Steve Scafidi and Rod Smith — Matt Hanson
W. S. Merwin, Stanley Plumly and James Dickey — Steve Moyer
Emily Berry, Kit Fan and sam sax — Devorah Baum
Joshua Whitehead, Jericho Brown and Safiya Sinclair — Marta Figlerowicz
Maya Abu Al-Hayyat — Jo Livingstone
Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Anand Thakore and Diane Seuss — Abhrajyoti Chakraborty
Peter Kline, Hilary King and Brittany Perham — Nicholas Taylor